Event Details

  • Calendar icon
    January 17, 2025
  • Clock icon
    6:30 - 8:00 PM
  • Map icon
    Parish Social Hall & Kitchen
  • Group icon

Note: Not all events will have an active registration button.

Youth Ministry

Middle School Youth Night

Youth and Family Discipleship is excited to announce that we are launching once a month Youth Nights for all Middle School youth from our church and school! Activities will vary over the year.

Middle School Youth Night
Friday, January 17 | 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Saint Patrick Social Hall & Kitchen

Join us for our next middle school Youth Night!  We will be making meals that will be given to Grace Place in New Richmond.  Bring your best chef skills and an apron and meet us in the church social hall! Donations of food items are greatly appreciated.

To sign up to attend or to bring a food item, please click the SIGNUP LINK here or on the Register button on the left.  You may sign up for multiple items. Chaperons are also needed!

Permission forms are required. Please print THIS FORM and return to Brigitta Kaiser.

Questions?? Please contact Brigitta Kaiser directly: brigittak@stpatrickofhudson.org.